The Trinity House Story -David Whitehead
David Whitehead, a Trinity House Ambassador will be speaking (he was formerly Director of the British Ports Association from 1993 to 201) His talk will be on "The Trinity House story"
The Corporation of Trinity House is an organisation little known to the general public. Yet with over 500 years of heritage and a global reputation for excellence it's a vital part of Britain's maritime infrastructure. Its leading role in developing and maintaining aids to navigation for all types of shipping, its skill base as the leading maritime fraternity and its activities as the largest self-funded maritime charity make it a diverse and forward-thinking organisation, all the more fascinating for being backed up by such a rich history. Hear more about what Trinity House does for you, where it has come from and where it's going in this interesting overview of one of the UK's most misunderstood treasures.
Trinity House Flyer click here
Organiser: Dick Beddoe
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