How we workThis page gives information about how the club operates. More detailed information is available in the Handbook_and Club By-laws The Club is open to all those interested in sailing and navigation.
Many Members have boats and they appreciate the advantages of having experienced crew and sailing with good company. Our Objectives
MembershipMembership of the Club is available to anyone over 18:-
To join the club Click Here Where we meet ...Ashtead Cricket Club is where members meet on Wednesday evenings.Members usually arrive from 20h30, unless there is a programmed event requiring an early start. For the clubhouse details click here | Sailing EventsApplying for eventsAll must apply individually Members to go on events. This is done online when logged in by using the Register button shown on the particular event page. There is a general cut-off date for applications of 7 days before sailing events (some may be longer). After that date you can contact the event organiser who may still be able to fit you in.Applications are made as either as a Skipper or a Crew member. Skippers may include non-members as Guests on their applications. An email will be sent confirming the application to both the member and the event organiser. For Instructions on applying for events (Members only) - click here Note: if you have to cancel your application then you must contact the event organiser directly - there is no online facility to do it. All Members can apply for any of the Club’s cruising and racing events - racing is not restricted to just experienced crew and the Club’s racing is varied in nature and is designed to be fun. Boat CrewingThe Club encourages Skippers not to make up their own boat crews except in the case of arranging their ‘No. 1’. This then enables the Event Organiser to introduce the remaining available crew to the boats attending.Event BriefingsAll event participants are expected to attend the briefing on the Wednesday evening before the event where crewing arrangements are finally sorted out. This is the opportunity for crew members to be introduced to their skippers and for them to be involved in the detailed planning. For crew not at the briefing, skippers should contact them the next day. Event costsSpecific costs incurred during the event are shared equally between all the crew on each boat (mooring fees, food, fuel, etc).The Club also operates a policy of crew members making a voluntary contribution to the skipper towards the maintenance and upkeep of the boat. Event organisersAny Club member can be an event organiser. Members should contact the Cruising or Racing Secretary if they wish to offer their services. |