Tom Cunliffe - Living Through the Gale

  • 13/11/2024
  • 20:00 - 21:30
  • Ashtead Cricket Club


  • Non Members ticket

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Living Through the Gale

Tom Cunliffe talks us through our options for conditions we hope we'll never face. He illustrates it with anecdotes about some memorably nasty nights he'd rather forget...

So let's not forget heavy weather is a lurking spectre that most of us hope and plan to avoid, but not even internet forecasting can make it go away.

Anyone intent on crossing oceans must be ready to deal with it if it comes, as well it may.

Even well-informed inshore and continental-shelf sailors will inevitably be caught out sooner or later.

So register now for this fascinating talk

Organiser:  Dick Beddoe
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