Weather - How to identify when it's time to stay in the bar

  • 11/08/2021
  • 20:00 - 20:30
  • Ashtead Cricket Club

It's no consolation blaming an inaccurate weather forecast when being thrown around inside a very expensive washing machine called a yacht.

Sailing in storms is usually seen as a bad and uncomfortable idea, learn how to identify when foul weather is coming.  Let the sky be your guide and work out how long it will be until it rains, and if you should be heading for a safe haven.  

This is a half hour overview of identifying frontal systems using simple natures indicators that have been used by sailors since the Vikings, that can be simply applied.  They are still used today and provide support and confidence to supplement electronic forecasts.   It is for all levels of crew / skippers.

RYA Instructor - Ken Fifield 

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