Description: Marine Diesel Maintenance Training
Due to a late cancellation there is one space available! Please call my mobile if you are interested - 07711 433845
(You wont regret it!!!) :-)
I am going to run a single day marine diesel maintenance course on 23rd February. The aim is to get members who are new to sailing familiar with one of the most important bits of a yacht, its engine.
Marine diesels are extremely reliable but there are a few "gotchas" that must be understood, and the purpose of this day is to explain these basics.
The course will be loosely based on the RYA Diesel maintenance book. The subjects I propose to include are as follows:-
To help in this the club owns a small marine diesel for the practical hands-on work. This means we need to keep the numbers relatively low, say around 6 attendees so that everyone gets "a go" at wielding a spanner!
To keep costs to a minimum we will run this at my home in the (heated) garage. The course will comprise presentations and practical exercises.
If you wish to attend the course could you please register
As we do not have the cost of a hall hire we are able to keep costs very low. So we have set course cost to £10. The lunch and coffee expenses will be deducted and the balance will go into club funds.
Burnhams Road
Little Bookham
KT23 3BB
(On map locate Little Bookham Village Hall - Burnhams Road is adjacent)
My House:- Copthorne - round right corner, 2nd house on right
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