Talk : 'Confessions of a Yachtmaster Examiner' by Tom Cunliffe
'Did the examiner really end up in jail?
Yachtmaster examinations. Whether you've taken one, or are thinking about it, you'd better attend this illustrated talk by Tom Cunliffe. He has an entertaining look behind the scenes of the qualification from well outside the box. Find out not only how the examiner's motorbike ended up in a hedge on the Isle of Wight, but how he managed to fetch up in Cherbourg direct from Yarmouth with three candidates - and two lively girls aboard who hadn't signed on! All is promised to be revealed...and much more. Don't miss it!'
Tom is a professional speaker and does charge for his time.
Tickets are £10
They are available to members and guests. The limit due to room constraints is 60 people.Please register on-line for tickets. Registration will remain open until 5th December or when the ticket number limit has been reached.
Organiser: Dick Beddoe
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