Talk - The Green Blue- Kate Fortnam
This organisation is a joint venture of the RYA and British Marine to educate marine users about the marine environment and the impact their activities may have upon it - here's an extract from their website
"As boaters we all have a vested interest in protecting the environment where we spend our leisure time and The Green Blue is dedicated to ensuring you get the best possible advice on how to do that.
As more and more of us take to the water we risk damaging the natural environment. Whether it’s the coast or the inland waterways that float your boat, you can’t have helped but notice that the water is getting more crowded and with numbers come problems.
Nobody wants red tape and regulations and our aim is to avoid this by encouraging people to voluntarily change their habits and become more environmentally friendly every time they go boating.
For more information on how to maintain, equip and operate your boat in an environmentally friendly manner just choose a subject below."
Organiser: Simon Davey
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